Story: Go to the past

  1. Jake, Molly and Beth preparate to go to the train station. They ask: Hello everyone let´s go to the train station.
  2. Next, enter in the train, the train say: Next Station: Tecnology museum, Beth say: This is the station !Lets go¡
  3. The guys enter on the tegnology museum. Beth: Wow¡,what is this. Instructor: This a¡is a machine to go to the past, you want to try?
  4. Now we are in the prehistory, Wow¡ a prehistory school Luke: and this is a pterodáctilo
  5. And this is all the materials they use in the past for example the prehistoric hammmer
  6. All: Let´s go to the future, Bye humans of the prehistory

Resultado de imagen de prehistoric times
